What the heck is data analytics? Explain it like I’m five.

Howdy y’all, at Joon we try to find talented individuals for all aspects of our business and try to engage as many people as possible in the ways of data awesomeness. Surprisingly, there are still quite a few people that don’t quite understand what the modern data stack is, what it means to be a […]
How and When to Use AI to Augment Traditional Analytics

by Chris Pouliot Every business wants to be more data-driven, and artificial intelligence technologies are an important way to augment traditional statistical analysis. But don’t let the hype around AI persuade you to force it onto problems where it’s not needed. That will only lead to poor outcomes and wasted resources and undermine future initiatives. […]
Is Your Ecommerce Platform Mobile Proof?

If it wasn’t clear that eCommerce was a force to be reckoned with at the beginning of 2020, it has become painfully obvious at the end. Many SMEs, and ever larger companies are only in the very beginning stages of their eCommerce journey. In this article we’ll outline why businesses should focus on going mobile […]
Why Every Company Needs A Data Strategy

Written by Bernard Marr Data matters to any company, regardless of size, sector or type. In fact, data is one of your biggest business assets, alongside your products, services, intellectual property, and people. But to get the most out of data, it’s vital you have a data strategy in place. Focusing your data efforts where […]
Self-service business intelligence (BI)

Written by Looker What is self-service BI? Self-service business intelligence (BI) tools allow people in your enterprise to analyze business data and present the information from that analysis — without tying up your IT or BI teams. By offering self-service BI, you can help optimize the decision-making capability across your organization by giving users a single source […]
Computer Vision

Powerful pre-trained machine learning models through assign labels to images and quickly classify them into millions of predefined categories. Detect objects and faces, read printed and handwritten text, and build valuable metadata into your image catalog.