Data Deduplication with ML

Problem Statement

Briefly, we work with a company and they allow their customer to sign up for account. The company has so many branches, and one customer can open one (or more) account(s) at any branch. As a result, duplication happens, so here we are.

When signing up, we need this kind of information from a customer:

  • first name
  • last name
  • email
  • date of birth
  • phone number

Sample data:

first name last name email date of birth phone number
Ana Laurel 02/01/1990 3102105770


  • Hard coding: compare each line with other, and check:
    • if they exactly match → a match
    • otherwise → a distinct
  • Dedupe: active learning from user labelling.
    • loss function: affine gap
    • model: regularized logistic regression
    • results
  • Research new approach
    • data: labelled data pairs (match pairs and distinct pairs, 40 and 460 respectively)
    • idea:
      • the data has 5 terms and 2 of them (name (including first and last) and email) are critical information that can be used by features such as vectorizing it (convert word to vector) to train an ML model.
      • date of birth and phone number are numeric values, and can be used as well.
    • steps:
      • clean data
        • replace NaN value in date of birth with “01-01-1800”
        • remove “-” and convert to integer (“01-01-1800” → 01011800)
        • replace NaN value in phone number with “99999999999”
      • Vectorize:
        • use TfidfVectorizer library of sklearn
        • the final feature has shape of 40 * 198 for match and 460 * 198 for distinct (quite imbalanced)
      • Train model and Test model: as the test data is not available right now, models are trained and tested using the same data.
        • Logistic Regression: Recall: 0.8 Precision: 0.9831932773109244
        • Linear SVM: Recall: 0.8 Precision: 0.9831932773109244
        • XGBoost: Recall: 1.0 Precision: 1.0
      • Comments:
        • XGboost seems to be overfitting, which is understandable because the dataset is small and not balanced. We can check and see if it is overfitting or not once we have a test set.
        • Logistic Regression and SVM look promising. We might increase the performance by increasing the data size and feature size.
Na Nguyen Thi
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