10 Benefits of Using Big Data in Human Resources

Written by SageHR Big Data analytics and their benefits have long been appreciated in executive circles. The data available and insights gained from this information helps organisations to make decisions that can improve operational performance, uplift productivity and positively impact business revenues. For Human Resources there are a multitude of benefits that Big Data can bring, all […]
Why Every Company Needs A Data Strategy

Written by Bernard Marr Data matters to any company, regardless of size, sector or type. In fact, data is one of your biggest business assets, alongside your products, services, intellectual property, and people. But to get the most out of data, it’s vital you have a data strategy in place. Focusing your data efforts where […]
Technologies Enabling Digital Transformation

Thomas Siebel in his book “Digital Transformation” clearly mentioned that the technologies that propel digital transformation are game-changing. Still, we are in the very early stages of this new era. He suggests that organizations must learn new technologies to make well-informed decisions. According to Tom, there are four key technologies that both drive and enable […]
GCP Cloud Offerings
Why Cloud? “There was a time when every household, town, farm or village had its own water well. Today, shared public utilities give us access to clean water by simply turning on the tap; cloud computing works in a similar fashion. Just like water from the tap in your kitchen, cloud computing services can be […]